EMF organisers worked with resource management firm Hamilton Waste and Recycling to install clearly labelled recycling bins for plastic and mixed recyclables at all race drinks stations, plus start and finish areas.

All waste and recycling was taken back to Hamilton’s recycling facility in Musselburgh where it was sorted and graded.

The small amount of waste that could not be recycled will be used to create waste-derived fuel (SRF).

Robin Stevenson, Hamilton’s managing director, said: “We share the EMF’s ambition to further reduce the amount of waste produced by the runners and spectators at the event and ultimately to eliminate single use plastics altogether.

“Delivering zero waste to landfill is a vital interim step to ensure that the environmental footprint of this flagship event is minimised and to prevent these environmentally and commercially valuable secondary resources from being lost forever in landfills.”

Over 35,000 people took part in the weekend festival which included eight races across two days.

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